Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale

New Belgium Releases Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale

In Beer News by BT

(Ft. Collins, CO) – Get ready to welcome the fall season with New Belgium Brewing’s latest Voodoo Ranger Special Release. Brewed with Saigon cinnamon and Habanero peppers, Atomic Pumpkin Ale starts out sweet and finishes spicy with a little bitterness in between. The medium body ale pours bright pale amber with a light white lacing, and features Nugget hops combined with Pale Mena, Pale Rahr, Caramel and Munich malts to create a spicy and warming mouthfeel.


“Atomic Pumpkin is a twist on pumpkin ale for beer drinkers who like some heat,” said Bryan Simpson, public relations director for New Belgium. “Classic fall flavors like pumpkin pie and cinnamon offer a sweet counterpart to the fiery peppers, making it a great, full-flavored beer for the crisp autumn weather.”

Voodoo Ranger Atomic Pumpkin Ale

Flavor: Starts with low sweetness and moves directly into a low bitterness and finishes with a warm habanero glow.
Mouthfeel: Spicy warming mouthfeel that builds in the back of the throat, lingering astringency with a slightly sweet middle.

Body: Medium body
Yeast: California ale yeast
Hop Varieties: Nugget
Malt Varieties: Pale Mena, Pale Rahr, Caramel, Munich
Fruits/Spices: Pumpkin, Habanero, Saigon Cinnamon
Color: Bright pale amber color with light particulate and light white lacing
ABV: 6.4%
IBUs: 10

Atomic Pumpkin Ale is available in 12oz. bottles and on draft now through October. To find it, along with others from New Belgium, visit the Beer Finder or download New Belgium’s Beer Mode app. For more information about New Belgium Brewing, visit NewBelgium.com.